Do you want to buy Stools and Bottles: A Study of Character Defects - 31 Daily Meditations [Kindle Edition]? You come to the right place. You can find exclusive low cost for Stools and Bottles: A Study of Character Defects - 31 Daily Meditations [Kindle Edition]. You can choose to buy a product and Stools and Bottles: A Study of Character Defects - 31 Daily Meditations [Kindle Edition] at the best price online with secure transaction here...
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Some years ago mcdougal of The Tiny Red Book exercised a novel presentation with the first four steps of the A.A. program. Visual aids, consisting of the three-legged stool and eight empty whiskey bottles, were utilized to portray the intangible factors of the fundamental steps. The three legs in the stool illustrated Steps 1-2-3. The bottles graphically depicted the character defects revealed by Step 4. Later this became known as the "Stool and Bottle Talk."This talk proved so beneficial to alcoholics in most stages of recovery a large number of groups asked it be presented for their membership at special meetings. These requests were frequently granted, but it was impossible to fulfill most of them. Lack of your time and cash curtailed them with a great extent. Members claimed cumulative benefits from all of these meetings. Visually impressed with the principles of Steps 1-2-3-4, they improved upon their daily use. Invariably, duplicate teams of bottles and reprints from the talk were requested. Because the talk was extemporaneous, and also the bottles too costly, all of the requests cannot be met. But now it's possible to provide the highlights with the talk, also to present the Stools and Bottles in this book which bears their name. Study groups may find the matter helpful. To meet our requirement for quiet periods of thought and prayer, it provides thirty-one daily reminders. They handle A.A. problems commonly encountered by alcoholics who try to generate A.A. their means of life.
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