The Mindful Way Through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness (includes Guided Meditation Practices CD) [Paperback] price
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"Williams and his international team of authors provide insight in to the healing power of so-called 'awareness' in which people can escape the wearisome ruminations of the obsessed mind, befriend alien feelings, and come more alive in themselves. The book is accompanied by strategy for a CD with meditations that will profit the listener enter the present moment, own more fully their physical context, and stand back through the flow with their thinking and feeling....A practical volume that bears the authority each of contemporary psychology along with the age old spiritual practice of meditation." - New Directions
"Every word in this affordable paperback appears to embody the gentleness along with the spirit of openness that particular brings to the practice of MBCT. Therefore, it's an ideal tool for guided self-help....Invaluable for all non-professionals and therapist alike, The Mindful Way through Depression takes the reader step-by-step on the journey of exploration....Just receive the book, get your bottom around the cushion and study it." - Florian Alexander Ruths, British Journal of Psychiatry, December 2007
"Williams and his awesome international team of authors provide insight in the healing power of so-called 'awareness' in which people can escape the wearisome ruminations from the obsessed mind, befriend alien feelings, and come more alive in themselves. The book is accompanied by a CD with meditations that can assist the listener enter in the present moment, own more fully their physical context, and stand back from the flow of their thinking and feeling....A practical volume that bears the authority both of contemporary psychology as well as the age old spiritual practice of meditation." - John Twistleton, New Directions, April 2011
Winner in the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Self-Help Seal of Merit!
Over 160,000 in print!
The Mindful Way through Depression draws on the collective wisdom of four internationally renowned mindfulness experts, including bestselling author Jon Kabat-Zinn, to supply effective relief from your most prevalent psychological disorder. This authoritative, easy-to-use self-help program is depending on methods clinically proven to cut back the recurrence of depression. Revealing the hidden psychological mechanisms that cause chronic unhappiness, the authors gently guide readers by strategy for a compilation of exercises built to break the mental habits that result in despair. Kabat-Zinn lends his calm, familiar voice on the accompanying CD of guided meditations, making this a complete package for anyone trying to regain a a feeling of balance and contentment.
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